Soccer in 16 Words

April 1, 2009

Tweet Remember– this is for 8 year olds! The goal is to simplify and clarify what you do once you have the ball, depending on your assigned role. The bolded words are the words I’ve asked the girls to learn and use. So, without further ado: Soccer in 16 Words Strikers: Center & Score! Midfielders: […]

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Hey “Working” Mom– getting laid off is a “relief”. Really.

March 27, 2009

Tweet It is disturbing to see that the effects of employers’ responses to the economic crisis are not being distributed equally throughout our population. While there’s a bit of controversy over who has it worse, it’s pretty clear that due to the structure of our economy, some groups are being laid off  proportionally more than […]

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3 Important Things about ‘Mothers Who Work’

March 27, 2009

Tweet To keep things clear for future conversations, here are 3 important things to know about "Mothers Who Work": 1: Every mother is a working mother. Mothers work inside the home and outside the home, they earn money directly (with pay) and indirectly (supporting a partner in his;/her paid work). Barring a few aberrations here […]

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Tools for Authentic Organizations: Dotmocracy

March 23, 2009

Tweet The end of “business as usual”   Please, let us be coming to the end of “business as usual”. Conversations about whether MBA programs caused the financial crisis and what the future of capitalism should be suggest that ways of doing business that have long been seen as acceptable and even admirable are now […]

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Finding a Leadership Opportunity in Alternatives to Layoffs

March 16, 2009

Tweet Let’s say you’ve been convinced by the argument against layoffs and the recommendations for trying alternatives to layoffs. You’ve looked at a few of the Honor Roll organizations and decided to take that next step… As you prepare to act, consider this additional option. Can you find a way to make alternatives into layoffs […]

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Rant: Minimally Sufficient Research Can Maximine Insights

March 15, 2009

Tweet I confess a nagging frustration with certain trends in my academic discipline, Organizational Theory. While good research on organizations and organizational behavior fascinates and delights my nerdy self, boring and poorly executed research makes me lay my head on my desk in despair. Sometimes I even consider resigning from the editorial boards I was […]

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7 Tips for Rendering Authenticity Through Social Media

March 12, 2009

Tweet As part of a presentation I’m giving on “Rendering Authenticity Through Social Media, ” I’ve been distilling advice for from around the online conversation on how organizations can use social media to present themselves authentically. The audience will be a group of managers (practitioners, not professors) who are not themselves directly responsible for social […]

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Flexible Downsizing and Sexism: Should we be worried?

March 10, 2009

Tweet There is a movement afoot to link organizations’ responses to the economic crisis to larger social goals, like sustainability and work family balance. Anytime we can get two valuable outcomes for one business decision, "that’s a good thing." Often, however, business decisions made for one reason have unintended repercussions. Take the movement towards alternatives […]

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Photo Essay: 1,000 words on the loss of the Rocky Mountain News

March 9, 2009

Tweet From Joe Murphy, on Flickr

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What Remains of “the Organization” at the Rocky Mountain News?

March 6, 2009

Tweet Organizations are always more than an efficient way to control collective efforts, more than the aggregate of their individual members, and more than the sum of their productive parts. We can put people together to do something, but that doesn’t make them an organization. Those of us who study organizations, and who of us […]

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