Reason #238 that we should have another woman on the Supreme Court

May 19, 2009

Tweet From Feministing. com Really, Ann Friedman nails it. No sense in trying to recap this… just head to the full article. (captioned photo from Feministing) Supreme Court: Pregnancy discrimination A-OK! “Today our nation’s highest court ruled in AT&T v. Hulteen that women who took maternity leave and were discriminated against by AT&T are shit […]

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Authentic Playlist at Misogyny Free Prom

May 15, 2009

Tweet A shout out to my girlfriends at Bust magazine, home of the GirlWideWeb and all things hip & 3rd wave feminist . They share the news today of an advocacy movement by The Women’s Health and Issues Club of the high school in Arcadia CA, which has resulted in a prom music playlist that […]

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Black Men & the Glass Elevator: Research to Remember

May 13, 2009

Tweet Often, when managers consider how men and women fare differently in the work of paid work, they make simple distinctions between the genders: Women are like this , men are like that . Then, they extrapolate from this simple distinction how a person’s gender will shape her or his career success. Racism & Sexism […]

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Working Moms Go Viral

May 7, 2009

Tweet … And I’m not talking about Swine Flu. is spreading a virus . .. it’s their "Mother of the Year Award" video, and I got one! Hooray for me! Mom of the year! Does it matter that every other working mom is also receiving the "Mother of the Year Award" too? Heck no, […]

Read the full article → Now a “Top 50 HR Blog in 2009”

May 6, 2009

Tweet It’s our first authentic piece of Flair!! AuthenticOrganizations is delighted to join three other "Blogs on Organizations" on’s list of Top 50 HR Blogs in 2009. Why is this exciting? – At the very least, it’s fun to be listed on a site with over 385,000 visitors a month… maybe a few of […]

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On the importance of Flair

May 6, 2009

Tweet The origin of “flair”? Every Organizational Behavior scholar’s favorite cult flick: Office Space.

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Which is preferable, Layoffs or Alternatives to Layoffs?

May 4, 2009

Tweet My esteemed colleague and fellow Michigan PhD alum, Aneil Mishra, is a well-known expert on the ‘softer’ organizational affects of downsizing and layoffs: morale, commitment and trust. Writing today about furloughs at GM on his blog Total Trust, Aneil mentions that "In our research on downsizing, we’ve found that across-the-board cost cutting like this […]

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Which is worse: Being “Authentic & Bad” or being “Bad for Being InAuthentic”?

April 30, 2009

Tweet Before reading any further, let’s take a poll: How do our results compare to the findings of a more comprehensive annual survey of the reputations of US corporations? "America’s Most Least Reputable Companies" Reputation Institute just released its annual survey that determines the nation’s most respected companies. (The survey is summarized on Of […]

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