A Job Crafting Example: The Pink Glove Dance

December 8, 2009

Tweet Here’s a real life example of Job Crafting: The Pink Glove Dance. You may already have seen this video of The Pink Glove Dance, which was created by hospital staffers to raise awareness about breast cancer. I know that as soon as the music started, I thought it would be just like that now-famous […]

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Why Does Social Media Interaction Lead Us To Protect an Organization’s Reputation?

December 2, 2009

Tweet I have been struggling to write a (scholarly) book chapter on Corporate Reputation, social media and authenticity. As I have been writing myself around and around the issue(s), there is one thing that I cannot get my finger on, and that is: Why does having interacted with an organization through social media make us […]

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Authentic Organizational Values at Smith & Nephew: The Greatest of these is …

November 20, 2009

Tweet Love. That was what I saw when I went to the home page of Smith & Nephew: UK & Ireland. I saw love, even thought that’s not what Smith & Nephew said was one of their organization’s core values. Smith & Nephew is a medical products company that makes, among many things, wound dressings. […]

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Amazon’s Pay Phrase: Behavioral Targeting or Identity Aspiration?

November 18, 2009

Tweet Has Amazon.com figured out something really personal about me? I’m wondering, because Amazon’s new Pay Phrase feature has me a bit disconcerted puzzled. Pay Phrase: Two words that mean….what, exactly? Amazon has this new feature, called “pay phrase”, where you pick out a unique phrase, attach it to a pin number, and then use […]

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The Phone Call That Changed My Life

November 16, 2009

Tweet Dared by GaryVee, inspired by Dr.Bret and Dave Rendall, and zen-ed out by Jonathan Fields, I’m posting my first vlog. As writers know, although “the first draft is always the worst” that’s no reason not to write. Or to vlog. Or to pick up the phone and call the Executive Vice President. Which was […]

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Meeting Gary Vaynerchuk

November 10, 2009

Tweet There are 3 things that really seem to validate a blogger: 1. Creating a s*&#%storm Breaking a controversial story and getting tens of thousands of new visitors and dozens of trolls to your blog, 2. Going to a blog insiders’ conference like BlogHer and having people recognize your blog, and 3. Meeting Gary Vaynerchuk. […]

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Bias Bingo: Blending Branding and Learning

November 4, 2009

Tweet I love it when basic business science can be applied to important causes. So, I was excited when my favorite FemaleScienceProfessor pointed me towards a clever website designed to teach about gender bias: The Gender Bias Learning Project. The Gender Bias Learning Project is a great demonstration of how basic web skills, clever marketing […]

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Beyond an Online Dress Code: A ‘Look Code’ for Work Avatars & Employee Branding

November 3, 2009

Tweet We need to go beyond dress codes and consider “Look Codes” for the work avatars that employees use online. Online look codes will help employees translate the qualities of their organization’s brand into the avatars they create for themselves. Organizations should care about their members’ work avatars because these avatars are representing the organization, […]

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Twitter Lists: Coolness or Ease of Categorization?

October 30, 2009

Tweet Rethink the conventional ‘meaning’ of Twitter Lists. Now that Twitter lists have been rolled out more broadly, it’s possible for many/most of us using Twitter to create lists of those whom we follow (great– easier than Tweetdeck!). It is now also possible for us to see which Twitter lists how many Twitter lists we’ve […]

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