Work-Life Solutions and Important Differences: Let’s get inclusive

August 17, 2010

Tweet Work-life issues are important to everyone, but not everyone has the same kinds of work-life challenges. Even though we know we are not all the same in our work life challenges , it’s been hard to include more than a generalized “everyone” in the conversation. Because work-life advocates often find ourselves struggling with pretty […]

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MAC’s Apology for Juarez Makeup Line: Effective and Authentic

August 5, 2010

Tweet It’s not often that I get to follow up a post about an organization’s disappointing actions with a post celebrating that very organization’s next step. Given how easy it is to pay attention to and be outraged by the bad actions, it is all the more important to devote some energy to positive resolutions– […]

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BlogHer’s Bright, Shiny Secret

August 3, 2010

Tweet Many conferences have a quiet, dark secret. The folks attending share some longing yet to be fulfilled, some disappointments buried deep, some ideas that will never become actions. Many professional conferences (like the one I’m skipping this weekend) are marked by a faint whisper of “you’re not good enough” to be here, giving a […]

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IS TEDWomen Sexist? Use the “Group Replacement Test” and tell us what you think

August 2, 2010

Tweet Everyone who’s ever asked the question: “Is this Racist?” “Is this Sexist?” “Is this Anti-Semitic?” “Is this Homophobic” or the plain vanilla “Is this Offensive?” has tried the Group Replacement Test. The Group Replacement Test With the Group Replacement Test, you take out the name/noun of the group you’re wondering about, and you replace […]

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Followup on the TEDWomen Conversation

July 29, 2010

Tweet June Cohen, one of the producers of TEDWomen, kindly replied to my piece over at The Huffington Post. I discovered that I couldn’t fit my entire response– plus the important hyperlinks — to the HuffPo Space, so for those who are interested, our exchange follows, below.

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Separate Still Isn’t Equal: Sexism and TEDWomen

July 28, 2010

Tweet I really, really wanted to put this post here on Authentic Organizations, but my colleagues at The Op-Ed Project told me to shoot big…. so here it is, on The Huffington Post’s Politics section. Please come read the post (it’s only 700 words!) add a comment, and encourage the HuffPo to keep printing contentious […]

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Target Misses the Mark on Diversity: Corporate Donation equals Corporate Homophobia

July 28, 2010

Tweet How do you know whether an organization is racist, or sexist, or homophobic? You can use my 6 Degrees test, or you can use an even simpler method: You can watch where they put their money. Target has put its money behind the campaign of a homophobe who’s against same-sex marriage. This single action […]

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Find Your Tribe at BlogHer: MeetUp for Leadership, Business & Organization Change Bloggers

July 28, 2010

Tweet BlogHer is a great place to meet other women who are trying to change the world with their blogging. Everyone you meet there has some kind of expertise and insights to share. Almost everyone there can find someone else who blogs about similar issues, and get connected to a tribe.  There are many ‘domestic’ […]

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Changing the CEO at BP: It won’t make a difference, except where it will

July 27, 2010

Tweet For the past 90 days and counting, we knew this day was coming. You didn’t need an Irish bookmaker to tell you that Tony Hayward’s tenure as CEO of BP was coming to a close. Any organization facing a crisis like the BP Oil Spill would be likely to replace the guy at the […]

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Only A Cosmetic Apology? MAC’s Juarez Controversy & Fauxial Awareness

July 23, 2010

Tweet There are apologies that are superficial and apologies that reflect genuine remorse.  There are apologies that demonstrate regret and apologies that initiate restitution. And then, there is the apology that MAC Cosmetics has offered for its offensive Juarez Makeup Collection. [Note, added later: Be *sure* to read the followup post:  MAC’s Apology for Juarez […]

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