Re-creating Organizational Reputation Using Social Media: Not quite outdated ideas

January 14, 2011

Tweet As much as I love academic writing, conducting studies and developing theories, all of this work shares one acute problem — it takes forever to get from first draft to print. My just-published journal article with Adelaide King took about 8 years from idea to print, while the germinal paper on Organizational Identity & […]

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Organizational Icons as Symbols of Organizational Identity: Research paper

January 11, 2011

Tweet I was sending this paper off to some colleagues who are studying the role of symbols and organizational flourishing, and thought I’d post it here for the more academic readers…. just for fun. Making Use of Organizational Identity: Icons as symbolic identity proxies Abstract Organizational identities serve important functions for an organization’s members as […]

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Rethinking a Work Life Fit Issue: Am I late again, or on some other schedule?

January 4, 2011

Tweet As I was gearing up this morning to look over the past year’s blog posts, I found myself being pulled down by that feeling that I was “late again”. It seems as though I missed another key seasonal window … while other bloggers spent the time between Cristmas and New Year’s crafting recaps of […]

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Insights about Authenticity from the Open Community Book Tour

December 22, 2010

Tweet I’m taking part in the virtual book tour and are doing to explore concepts from . Maddie and Lindy, along with their colleague Jamie Notter, have long been some of my favorite bloggers. “Even though” they write about communications strategies, and focus on a very specific type of organization (associations), their ideas are big, […]

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Advocating for Inclusion: A roundup of ideas from post-TEDx636 roundtable

December 13, 2010

Tweet “Building on TED and the TEDWomen Conference: How Can We Make Conferences More Inclusive?” We made a big start towards answering this question at our roundtable conversation after the TEDx636 NYC/ TEDWomen simulcast event. Our panel, organized by Natalia Oberti Noguera and sponsored by NYWSE, included  Brittany McCandless (moderator), Adaora Udoji, Liza Sabater, Ritu […]

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SHE Should Talk At TED: 5 Ways to Get Started

December 7, 2010

Tweet Thanks so much to you readers who got in touch with me to share your ideas about a diversity & inclusion action plan for TED. I had the chance to fold some of these ideas into a live conversation with two of my favorite NYC feminists, Dr. Debra Condren and Gloria Feldt, and together […]

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The Goal is Gender Parity — at TED and Beyond

December 6, 2010

Tweet Is it possible that I haven’t been clear about what we’d like to see at TED conferences? In the conversations around TEDWomen, the relative absence of women and men of color TED programs, and concerns about whether TED as an organization is interested in inclusiveness, we may have focused mostly on constructive criticism and […]

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I’m Speaking about TEDWomen — sort of

November 30, 2010

Tweet The much-discussed TEDWomen conference is just around the corner. With the official speaker lineup now published, and the website updated, we can now consider whether the TED organization has “heard” the criticisms and concerns about TEDWomen and incorporated them into their approach for the actual conference. Call me crazy, but I was hoping to […]

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A Quiet Thank You to our Transgender Colleagues

November 19, 2010

Tweet November 20th is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day to honor people we have lost due to anti-transgender bias, prejudice, or hatred. While I can be thankful that I have no friends or family members who have died due to anti-transgender bias, I do have friends and family members who have been hurt by […]

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