All about Authenticity

What Remains of “the Organization” at the Rocky Mountain News?

March 6, 2009

Tweet Organizations are always more than an efficient way to control collective efforts, more than the aggregate of their individual members, and more than the sum of their productive parts. We can put people together to do something, but that doesn’t make them an organization. Those of us who study organizations, and who of us […]

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NewsFlash: Bankers in authentic organization get ‘secret’ bonuses that they actually deserve!

February 19, 2009

Tweet Among all the appropriate recriminations against (investment) bankers earning huge bonuses for running their financial institutions into the ground, it’s nice to hear about some bankers who might actually have earned their bonuses. As Martha Brannigan reports in the Miami Herald last weekend , bankers at The City National Bank of Florida received a […]

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Tweet Yourself Like the Person You Want to Be

February 18, 2009

Tweet In nearly every corner of my blogging universe, someone is excited about Twitter. Other organizations & leadership bloggers, social media experts, branding experts, and even my info junkie friends are all finding something useful in the opportunity to share information in the super-condensed form of 140 characters. We think that Twitter is a tool […]

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The Only Harvard Business Review Article You Need to Read

January 27, 2009

Tweet Rarely am I inspired by the Harvard Business Review. Despite Harvard Business Review’s efforts to revamp their print edition (with a zippier format, hip graphics and bite-size summaries) and to expand their online initiatives, HBR has always felt behind the times. Even when HBR has addressed issues critical to my own research or summarized […]

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An Agenda for Management Innovation: 25 Challenges

January 27, 2009

Tweet 1. Ensure that management’s work serves a higher purpose. Management, both in theory and practice, must orient itself to the achievement of noble, socially significant goals. 2. Fully embed the ideas of community and citizenship in management systems. There’s a need for processes and practices that reflect the interdependence of all stakeholder groups. 3. […]

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Read Business Books — for charity!

January 24, 2009

Tweet Here’s a great example of the concepts of "Co-donating", "Perkonomics", "Brand-butlering" and "Trynomics" — all at once. For anyone else who’s a business book junkie like me, this offer is hard to resist. It’s also a great example of being authentic. From the folks at ChangeThis and 800-CEO-READ : Continuing a tradition we began […]

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Authentic Conversation — An opportuntity for Obama?

January 8, 2009

Tweet Maren and Jamie Showkeir, co-authors of "Authentic Conversations: Moving from Manipulation to Truth and Commitment" last month applied some of their ideas about the power of conversation to establish truth and create change, in an Op-Ed piece in the Chicago Tribune. The piece "Obama to the world: Let’s talk" , the Showkeirs write: In […]

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What if … Executive Compensation was based on Sustaining Organizational Authenticity?

January 3, 2009

Tweet I’m a big fan of linking compensation to business outcomes … as long as the amount of compensation isn’t vulgar and the right kinds of outcomes are part of the formula. So I was intrigued by a recent article about Ethics and Executive Compensation . Ed Konczal , writing about  over at Corporate Eye […]

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Designing for Authenticity: More on the NY Jets

December 8, 2008

The December/January 2009 Issue of Fast Company has a lovely online slide-show of the NY Jets facility that follows up on the ideas in my post from September, on the 3 Things The New York Jets Can Teach You About Authenticity. ” The Jets demonstrate in their new facility ways that your organization can use its physical environment — the space where you put yourselves– to help it be more authentic.”


…You can really see why New York  Jets EVP Sheehy would say: “Our building is the graduate school of football.”

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B Corporations and Employer Branding

November 27, 2008

Tweet Branding your organization as being "for purpose and for profit" might help you attract just the right kind of talented job applicants. At least that’s what the HR Folks at Reece Computer Systems seem to believe. In their job posting for a Consulting Engineer , Reece Computer Systems not only describes the position and […]

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