All about Authenticity

Every organization has an authenticity story. What’s yours?

February 28, 2008

Tweet Every organization has an authenticity story. And, anyone who has worked in an organization has a story about authenticity. I am looking for interesting stories, illuminating examples, and intriguing dilemmas related to authenticity in organizations and the authenticity of organizations. Whenever I talk with someone about my research and consulting interests, that person has […]

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It’s not that hard to recognize an organization’s authenticity. Even a child can do it.

February 16, 2008

Tweet “Mom, this company really shows their believingness.” So said my nine-year-old daughter. She had just noticed that the tag hanging from the T-shirt I gave her for Valentine’s Day was made from “100% post-consumer waste”. She already knew that the T-shirt was from a company called PositiviTee, that the graphic image printed on the […]

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An Authentic Response from Glamour Magazine

January 17, 2008

Tweet This past summer, a story about a Glamour magazine staffer who was giving a talk about ‘what to wear to work’ was making the rounds among feminists and fashionistas. During the staffer’s lunchtime talk at a law firm, she allegedly remarked that wearing an Afro at work was “a Glamour Don’t “. Those who […]

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Work-Life Initiatives are the foundation of Authentic Organizations

January 28, 0010

Tweet Earlier this week I met with a group of organizational change advocates, each of whom is dedicated to reshaping the relationship between work and life. Work-Life issues per se aren’t really my gig, although I’ve had a fair amount of work-life conflict in my day as an employee and as a manager. However, I […]

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