Thank you SO much for being a longtime reader of AuthenticOrganizations!
It’s meant a lot to me to know that there have been people on the other end of these ideas.
Not just the visitors who click on over from Twitter, LinkedIn, or a guest post … but also the nearly 500 of you dedicated readers who’ve been receiving an email every time I post a blog.
I hope that you’ve enjoyed the ideas I’ve shared so far — and I hope you’ll be interested in joining me in my new digs.
Over the next few weeks I’ll be moving my writing over to the mvp of my new site,
I’d like you to come along with me! 
To help make the move easier for you, I’ll be sending you an invitation to subscribe to “posts by email” from (These will come ‘automagically’ via MailChimp.)
If you want to join me the next leg of the journey — and I hope you do — please use these invitations to renew and transfer your connection with me.
I’ll continue to publish posts here on AuthenticOrganizations for a while, and I’ll keep the site up as an archive for all these great older posts.
Other big news:
To focus on writing related to my book on Generosity At Work, and to find the audience who’s most excited by these ideas, I’ll also be launching a newsletter.
(The newsletter will be separate from “posts by email” and will contain different writing, links, and questions.)
I’ll be sending you a separate invitation to “sign up as a Beta Tester” of the newsletter. Think of this as an invitation to check out the ideas before you make a commitment. You can test out the newsletter (as I figure it out!), offer some feedback if you’re so inclined, and decide if the ideas are useful to you.
As always, I only want to send you things that feel like a little gift in your mailbox.
My feelings won’t be hurt if these new ideas aren’t a good fit with your interests right now and you decide not to sign up for the newsletter.
But, I hope you’ll be excited enough by the ideas unfolding around Generosity At Work to stay with me and help me figure them out.
To each of you, my heartfelt thanks.
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