Practicing Work Life Fit at Christmas

by cv harquail on December 19, 2009

So I’m having one of those really rough mornings, the kind that make you realize you have to rethink the whole life project, and it’s not even 7 a.m. yet.

200912190801.jpgWhat’s going on?

  • DH came home from work to start vacation, and is completely, totally sick.
  • Mom-in-law and stove repairperson scheduled to arrive at the same time today, one at home, one at airport.
  • During a snowstorm.
  • During my daughters’ Tae Kwon Do belt test.
  • While I should be looking for the Bratz Chloe Makeup Doll that the girl of our Angel Tree family had on her wish list, maybe at KMart.
  • And that 8,000 word chapter, a few weeks overdue, must be finished today.

I know that if I were to tweet my work-life expert colleagues/friends, they would all say the same thing to me:

Take a deep breath.
Consider what’s most important.
Let a few things go (for now).
Try thinking 10 -10- 10.
Revel in what matters most.

So, a few days early and leaving those end-of-year posts unfinished in my ‘draft’ box, I am going to give AuthenticOrganizations a little holiday.

Off for a Merry Christmas, and all the very best to you- cv


Maren December 19, 2009 at 3:28 pm

Good for YOU! Have a happy holiday, and we will look forward to your return when it makes sense for you…

Sandy December 20, 2009 at 1:37 am

Have a merry merry…. and the happiest of new years!

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