Every organization has an authenticity story. And, anyone who has worked in an organization has a story about authenticity.
I am looking for interesting stories, illuminating examples, and intriguing dilemmas related to authenticity in organizations and the authenticity of organizations.
Whenever I talk with someone about my research and consulting interests, that person has a story to tell about a time when they experienced an organization being authentic or inauthentic. Readers, since I can’t actually talk to you, let me ask here: What stories do you have to share about authenticity in organizations?
Please contact me at cvharquail@AuthenticOrganizations.com and tell me your story.
I commit to keeping your confidence and I will disguise the organization and actors if you prefer. I will also give you a chance to approve any post I write about your story before I publish it.
Every organization has an authenticity story. What’s yours?
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