
Company Character Grows From Place Identity

February 16, 2012

Tweet What do start-ups and coffee beans have in common? For both, the place they grow shapes who they become. We don’t talk much about the role of place in shaping organizational identity, but the physical circumstance of where we are located as we do our work together helps to determine who we become as […]

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Twitter Lists: Coolness or Ease of Categorization?

October 30, 2009

Tweet Rethink the conventional ‘meaning’ of Twitter Lists. Now that Twitter lists have been rolled out more broadly, it’s possible for many/most of us using Twitter to create lists of those whom we follow (great– easier than Tweetdeck!). It is now also possible for us to see which Twitter lists how many Twitter lists we’ve […]

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5 (More) Reasons Why Being Authentic Can Be Bad for Your Organization

March 13, 2008

Tweet Being authentic limits who your organization can attract as partners. Not every organization wants to do business with an organization that’s authentic, because authentic organizations can be demanding partners. Authentic organizations need partners who will support the organization’s dedication to authenticity, who will appreciate why the organization dedicates its resources to sustaining authenticity, and […]

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